Thu, Apr 16, 2020
In crisis, social connectedness builds more resilient communities
In Miami, Sedano’s Supermarket partnered with local restaurants to employ up to 400 furloughed employees impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mon, Apr 13, 2020
Building a Resilient Planet: How to Adapt to Climate Change From the Bottom Up
The conventional wisdom holds that climate change is a problem for international organizations, big governments, and global corporations to solve. Only those major players can make a dent in global greenhouse gas emissions, the thinking goes, and only they can pool the necessary resources. Given the monumental scale of the coming climate crisis, anything short of such high-level mobilization seems inconsequential, even futile.
Thu, Apr 9, 2020
Fighting COVID-19 side by side with migrants
In a crisis where we are all explicitly told to “stay home” to help contain the spread of this virus, how do those who have been displaced from their homes comply?
Articles by Rebecca Scheurer
Thu, Apr 9, 2020
Building Virtual Communities: The Power of Technology to Connect People
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, technology has become the connective tissue of our physically distant lives, from video call platforms to new tech ideas. Around the world and in our homes, we are turning to technological innovators to build resilience.
Wed, Apr 8, 2020
Refugee women: The most vulnerable and yet the most resilient in this pandemic
Refugee women will be disproportionately affected by COVID-19, living in densely populated conditions without government support. Yet, as this story shows, their resilience and sense of personal agency is inspiring others around the globe.
Articles by Priyali Sur, Vanessa Davaroukas
Thu, Oct 10, 2019
We asked some of the boldest thinkers what the world will be like in 50 years. Here’s what their answers tell us about the future.
Kathy Baughman McLeod was asked what the world will be like in 50 years by Quartz. Here’s what her answers tell us about the future.
Articles by Kathy Baughman McLeod
Mon, Jul 1, 2019
Guide on How to Insure a Natural Asset
As part of Arsht-Rock’s mission to reach 1 Billion People with resilience solutions by 2030, we utilize this guide of insuring natural assets to reduce risk and vulnerabilities to communities on coasts, in cities and beyond.
Articles by Kathy Baughman McLeod
Mon, Apr 29, 2019
A New Partnership to Build a More Resilient Planet
As we enter a new decade, the global challenges that we face are more complex, frequent and intense than ever.
News by Rajiv J. Shah
Mon, Apr 29, 2019
The Case for Getting Serious About Resilience
Arsht-Rock has a goal of enhancing the resilience of one billion people by 2030. It aims to achieve this goal by identifying, implementing, and scaling solutions to the urgent crises of climate change, migration, and security.
Blog by Ashish Kumar Sen