The world’s attention is on Belém, Brazil. The city will host the 30th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP30) when the need for more ambitious climate action has never been greater. On the agenda? Climate finance, biodiversity, and climate justice are leading issues that have already been part of the COP presidency’s conversations.
Our team at the Atlantic Council’s Climate Resilience Center has been leading convenings to mobilize adaptation finance for the solutions that protect people from the worst impacts of climate change. We are also working with Brazil’s COP Presidency and the business sector in the lead up to COP to advance work on adaptation finance.
As the world counts down to COP30, our team is preparing you to understand what’s at stake. Each month, our experts will share new analysis and insights. Throughout the year, our team will remain committed to making COP30 accessible and impactful, translating ambition into action.
Leading climate analysis
Explore our analysis and research to deepen your understanding of the significance of this year’s summit. We will continue to share evidence-based analysis and policy insights that can drive change in the countdown to COP30.