Policy Solution
Funding and Financing
Summary: Weatherization protects a building and its interior from natural elements including sunlight and associated heat by cleaning, repairing, replacing mechanical systems and components, building shell materials, and electrical and water appliances.
Implementation: Provide financial assistance to eligible households to weatherize their homes through grants or reimbursements.
Considerations for Use: This intervention can be piloted with an initial amount of funding to build government and workforce capacity. Older and less-maintaned buildings benefit greatly from weatherization upgrades. Low-income residents can also benefit from lower energy bills as a result of weatherization.
- Policy Levers:
Funding and FinancingThe allocation of public or philanthropic funding or private financing to implement projects, including risk transfer mechanisms. - Trigger Points:
City planning processesIncludes city initiatives such as the development of climate action plan, pathway to zero-energy, master plan, transit plan, energy mapping etc. - Intervention Type:
Buildings and Built Form - Sectors:
Buildings, Informal Settlements
- Target Beneficiaries:
Heat-vulnerable communities, Property owners, Residents - Phase of Impact:
Risk reduction and mitigation - Metrics:
Energy savings
- CA Low Income Weatherization Program (UCLA, Pg 68)
- US Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance Program (UCLA, Pg 68)
Case Studies:
- Intervention Scale:
City, National, Region, State/Province - Authority and Governance:
City government, National government, State/provincial government - Implementation Timeline:
Medium-term (3-9 Years) - Implementation Stakeholders:
City government, Property owners and managers - Funding Sources:
Public investment - Capacity to Act:
High, Medium
- Cost-Benefit:
Medium - Public Good:
Medium - GHG Reduction:
High - Co-benefits (Climate/Environmental):
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions - Co-benefits (Social):
Increase property values, Save on utilities