How we work to achieve our goal
Our solutions are wide-ranging—from levers that have an impact at the macro level, to working in communities, down to influencing and empowering individuals.

Macro-level tools
We establish and integrate new policy, finance frameworks and mechanisms into our program and product delivery, enhancing climate risk-reduction approaches that protect vulnerable communities and take gender, social vulnerability, and biodiversity into account.

Community approaches & on the ground interventions
We identify areas most exposed to climate risks, apply evidence-based solutions, and develop community knowledge and skills that empower action and build local resilience to the adverse effects of climate change and related threats.

Nature based solutions
Nature is at the core of many of the resilience solutions we deploy. From conservation and management to restoration and prevention interventions, our nature-based solutions to climate change deliver measurable positive climate adaptation benefits that have lasting impacts on people and our planet.

Resilience at an individual level
Using the power of the arts and storytelling to showcase the lessons learned from past adversities and crises, we promote the abilities of individuals to increase their capacity to face inevitable disruptions, overcome challenges, and thrive in today’s unpredictable world.
The case for climate resilience
As nations and communities continue to face the increasingly devastating consequences of climate change, we must look to increase local, evidence-based interventions that build resilience and achieve climate adaptation goals that can be scaled. We can meet multiple objectives, including improved public health, more secure livelihoods, better nutrition, enhanced psychosocial services, disaster risk reduction, and the protection of nature.
By expanding our view of how we can address climate change, we can begin to see how the human element is the nucleus of all adaptive and resilience-based solutions and investments. Empowering people by meeting them where they are—helping communities to help themselves—multiplies the impact return on investment many times over and can improve the lives of people all over the world.

How we define resilience
We define resilience as the ability of individuals, communities, and organizations to prepare for, navigate and recover from shocks (hurricanes) and stresses (sea-level rise or extremely high temperatures).
How we measure our impact
We have identified examples of evidence-based actions that, with the collaboration of our team of experts, global network of partners, and policymakers at all levels, will help us reach one billion people by 2030.
We measure our success through lives improved. The “additionality” that our work provides, which we define as new knowledge, skills, or an added layer of protection against climate change, is permanent or semi-permanent.

Our partners
Our Support & Implementation Partners Rely on Our Expertise
Given the scope and scale of the challenges we face, we cannot solve them alone. We collaborate with the most seasoned partners and experts in the world, working hand in hand to create the enabling conditions that allow for success in local and global efforts.