Elissavet Bargianni
Elissavet Bargianni is Arsht-Rock’s Chief Heat Officer for Athens, Greece. In addition to this role, she is also the head of Athens’ Resilience and Sustainability Department, where she has worked since 2018.
Bargianni’s work for the city of Athens includes updating the Athens Climate Action Plan (2022) and participating in the EIB Natural Capital Financing Facility (NCFF) programme for the creation of four high-impact green and blue infrastructure city projects. Bargianni initiated feasibility and landscape studies of various public spaces of Athens, introduced methodology for new tree avenues, initiated GIS mapping and tree inventory for the National Garden and the city while at the Design Department of the Municipality’s Urban Nature Directorate.
Alongside her responsibilities for the city government, Bargianni currently acts as the Coordinator of the Athens Climate Adaptation Working Group and is a representative of the C40 Cool Cities Network. She collaborates with several climate networks such as Resilient Cities Network, Eurocities, ICLEI, and other institutions.
Bargianni is a landscape architect, trained both in Greece and in the UK (MLA). Prior to transitioning to work in the public sector in 2003, when she started work for the National Garden, Bargianni was part of a London-based landscape practice. She is a scientific associate and editor of the Greek Academy awarded book about the National Garden (2016) and the Garden’s Management Plan.
Bargianni succeeds Athens’ first Chief Heat Officer, Eleni (Lenio) Myrivili, who has taken on the role of Global Chief Heat Officer for UN-Habitat.