

Chinese construction workers push carts under the scorching sunshine in the sweltering weather in Chongqing, China, 30 July 2010.

Tue, Aug 22, 2023

Cities at risk: The urban heat island effect

The urban heat island effect makes billions vulnerable to heat. This blog explores what it is and how heat in cities impacts people.


Extreme heat
Why name and categorize heat waves?A girl cools off from the extreme heat from an opened fire hydrant in Brooklyn, New York, U.S.

Fri, Jul 14, 2023

Cities are categorizing and naming heat waves—yours should, too. 

This article explains why cities around the globe are beginning to categorize and name heat waves to prepare for climate-driven extreme heat. You’ll learn why heat is so deadly, who is most vulnerable, and how using a health-based heat early warning system and naming heat waves can protect people.


Categorizing and naming heat waves English

Mon, Jun 5, 2023

These five games are taking on climate change

Nearly three billion people play video games every day. We can reach them through the games they already care about, and share localized climate policy solutions in ways that do not just build the educational value of the games, but actually make them more engaging to play.


Gaming technology

Fri, Jun 2, 2023

Rising temperatures, rising risks: The compounding effects of heat, drought, and flood 

Climate disasters can have compounding and interconnected impacts. This blog puts the spotlight on the nexus of heat, drought, and flood.


Extreme heat

Fri, May 26, 2023

High-Level Champions and Arsht-Rock mobilize the private financial sector to unlock climate adaptation and resilience finance and projects

The partnership will mobilize concrete actions and contributions by the private financial sector—particularly institutional investors, the insurance industry and the banking community.


Innovative policy and finance
Monastiraki square in Athens, Greece. Shot from a rooftop bar on the other side of the street. An incredible view of the Acropolis and surrounding city. Photo by Andrea Leopardi on Unsplash.

Tue, May 2, 2023

Elissavet Bargianni announced as new Chief Heat Officer for Athens, Greece

Bargianni succeeds Eleni Myrivili, who held the position since 2021, and is now the Global Chief Heat Officer for UN-Habitat.


Chief Heat Officer Extreme heat

Thu, Apr 27, 2023

“Me muero de calor”: How Santiago is building local solutions for extreme heat

In Santiago, Chief Heat Officer Cristina Huidobro is building local solutions for climate-driven extreme heat.


Chief Heat Officer Extreme heat
Aerial image of the city of Seville, Spain. Arsht-Rock has a categorizing and naming pilot for heat waves in Seville, Spain.

Fri, Apr 21, 2023

Arsht-Rock launches second year of categorizing and naming heat waves in Seville, Spain

proMETEO Seville, developed in collaboration with Arsht-Rock and a network of meteorological, scientific and academic partners, links weather forecasts to health outcomes.


Categorizing and naming heat waves English

Wed, Apr 19, 2023

From concrete to canopy: how three cities are using urban greening to protect their communities from extreme heat 

Cities around the world experience soaring temperatures. Urban greenery plays a role in combatting the heat. This blog puts the spotlight on three cities—Miami, Freetown, and Melbourne—working hand-in-hand with local residents to plant the seeds for cooler, greener, and healthier cities of the future.


Chief Heat Officer Extreme heat

Tue, Mar 7, 2023

Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton named Arsht-Rock Global Ambassador for Heat, Health, and Gender

Marking SEWA’s 50th anniversary, Arsht-Rock announces co-creation of the new Extreme Heat Income Insurance, a climate resilience tool to replace income lost to climate-driven extreme heat for women in the informal sector.


Cool Capital Stack English