Morgan Brown
Deputy Director, Individual Resilience Initiative
Grant Shonkwiler
Advisor, Gaming and Technology
Mauricio Rodas
Advisor, Heat and City Diplomacy
Tue, Aug 4, 2020
What if heat waves were named like hurricanes? New push draws mega insurers, Athens and Miami mayors, Red Cross and dozens more stakeholders
EHRA is pushing for a standard practice of naming and ranking heat waves globally so that communities and people can communicate about the emergency and adequately prepare.
Thu, Jun 18, 2020
Houseless in a pandemic: How community “shows up” for their own to survive and thrive together
In Los Angeles, houseless individuals and grassroots advocates for the houseless are experiencing firsthand how the pandemic has exacerbated existing inequities and further stigmatized the houseless population, highlighting the need for community inclusion and resilience for all.
Articles by Andrea Snyder, Jacqueline Malaret
Wed, Jun 3, 2020
Art as medicine: COVID-19, and the Black Lives Matter movement
Amid COVID-19 and the movement for racial justice, the current generation of artists is spreading compassion and healing through their works: painting, sculpture, textiles, drawings, and design.
Thu, May 21, 2020
How societies can fight pandemics and climate change at the same time
When looking to build resilience, addressing vulnerability offers policymakers the best path forward to lessen the impact of future pandemics and other natural disasters.
Articles by David A. Wemer
Thu, May 14, 2020
Cosa Buena: A good thing for art and public health in Oaxaca
In Oaxaca, Mexico, Cosa Buena has taken its relationship with local artists to a new level in the coronavirus pandemic, collaborating with them to implement sustainable handwashing stations that serve as artistic sustenance as well as a public health measure.
Thu, Apr 23, 2020
It Takes a Village: Helping the Most Vulnerable in Crisis
In response to India’s literal and economic pandemic, a collective made up of community groups and non-profits rapidly stepped in to help, transforming from a small environmental effort to a massive citizen’s movement in just a matter of days.
Stories of resilience
Thu, Apr 16, 2020
In crisis, social connectedness builds more resilient communities
In Miami, Sedano’s Supermarket partnered with local restaurants to employ up to 400 furloughed employees impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thu, Apr 9, 2020
Fighting COVID-19 side by side with migrants
In a crisis where we are all explicitly told to “stay home” to help contain the spread of this virus, how do those who have been displaced from their homes comply?
Articles by Rebecca Scheurer
Thu, Apr 9, 2020
Building Virtual Communities: The Power of Technology to Connect People
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, technology has become the connective tissue of our physically distant lives, from video call platforms to new tech ideas. Around the world and in our homes, we are turning to technological innovators to build resilience.
Wed, Apr 8, 2020
Refugee women: The most vulnerable and yet the most resilient in this pandemic
Refugee women will be disproportionately affected by COVID-19, living in densely populated conditions without government support. Yet, as this story shows, their resilience and sense of personal agency is inspiring others around the globe.
Articles by Priyali Sur, Vanessa Davaroukas