What is Heat Season?
The #HeatSeason campaign was designed by the Arsht-Rock Resilience Center to change the way we talk about heat and to help people better understand their vulnerability to heat-health risks.
After a hurricane or tornado, the damage is clear. From overturned trees to damaging flood waters, the impacts climate disasters are visible and tangible. However, heat is still underestimated. It is called the “silent killer” because its impacts often go unnoticed, despite it being among the deadliest of climate hazards.
To better protect and prepare people for the very real impacts of climate-driven extreme heat, Arsht-Rock launched its Heat Season campaign in 2021. The campaign begins before the summer starts. Since early season heat waves can be among the most deadly, the campaign brings attention to heat not just during summer but in the off-season months, too. The messaging helps people understand the impact of extreme heat as a climate risk but also as a serious threat to human health and wellbeing.
“The power of the campaign is in its simple, adaptable design,” explains Interim Director Jorge Gastelumendi. “It was made for cities around the wold to not only use but also inform their own local outreach.”
Already, the campaign’s resources have been adapted by different cities. As more cities use the campaign and share the assets, the campaign will advance local and global climate resilience by providing people with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to stay cool.
Localized campaigns with global impact
Extreme heat is a global problem, but it has localized impacts. Awareness campaigns need to prepare people for the impacts they will face in their own communities and provide solutions that consider access, culture, and other local factors.
This is where the Heat Season campaign comes in.
The campaign is replicable, adaptable, and scalable. Cities like Miami-Dade County, Los Angeles, and Freetown have already built upon Arsht-Rock’s work and created their own local campaigns. They share localized information as well as practical actions that people can take to protect themselves and their communities from rising temperatures. From using the graphics to developing localized materials like flyers, their campaigns are building awareness and encouraging action.
Download the #HeatSeason campaign
The Heat Season graphics and copy are ready-to-use and allow cities, climate leaders, and individuals to immediately join the conversation.
The Resilience Center offers Heat Season campaign assets in English, French, German, Spanish, and Greek for download and immediate usage. Share the campaign and help us protect people from the impacts of climate-driven extreme heat.
Assets are available in these languages:
#HeatSeason is here to stay and it will impact everyone, everywhere. We need to give visibility to this invisible threat and prioritize resilience to save lives and livelihoods. The toolkits below provide you with an overview of the #HeatSeason campaign assets with links for you to download high quality versions, accompanied by suggested post copy.
Please tag @AtlanticCouncil and @ArshtRock and use the #HeatSeason.
Shareable graphics
La #HeatSeason est là pour longtemps, et elle va avoir un impact sur chacun d’entre nous, où que nous nous trouvions. Nous devons render visible cette menace insaisissable et donner la priorité à la resilience pour sauver des vies et des emplois. Ce kit vous propose un aperçu des ressources de campagne #HeatSeason, avec des liens vous permettant d’en télécharger des versions de haute qualité, et des suggestions de publications. C’est à vous de les partager sur vos propres reseaux (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn).
N’oubliez pas de taguer @AtlanticCouncil et @ArshtRock et d’utiliser le hashtag #HeatSeason.
Graphiques partageables
Die #HeatSeason ist hier, um zu bleiben, und sie wird alle treffen – egal, wo. Wir müssen dieser unsichtbaren Bedrohung ein Gesicht geben und die Resilienz priorisieren, um Leben und Lebensgrundlagen zu retten. Dieses Toolkit bietet Ihnen einen Überblick über die #HeatSeson-Kampagnen-Assets mit Links zum Herunterladen hochwertiger Versionen, begleitet von einem empfohlenen Post-Text. Diese sind für Sie zum Teilen auf Ihren eigenen Kanälen (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) gedacht.
Bitte taggen Sie @AtlanticCouncil und @ArshtRock und nutzen Sie die #HeatSeason.
Graphiken zum Teilen
#HeatSeason llegó para quedarse y afectará a toda la población, donde quiera que esté. Necesitamos dar visibilidad a esta amenaza invisible y priorizar la resiliencia para salvar vidas y medios de vida. Este kit de herramientas le proporciona una descripción general de los activos de la campana #HeatSeason, con enlaces para que descargue versiones de alta calidad, acompañados de una redacción sugerida para su publicación. Estos son para que los comparta en sus propias redes (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn).
Por favor, etiquete @AtlanticCouncil y @ArshtRock y use el hashtag #HeatSeason.
Gráficos para compartir
Η Εποχή της Ζέστης, #HeatSeason, είναι ήδη γεγονός και θα επηρεάσει τους πάντες και παντού. Πρέπει να προβάλουμε αυτήν την αόρατη απειλή και να δώσουμε προτεραιότητα στη διασφάλιση της ανθεκτικότητας για τη διάσωση ζωών και την προστασία βιοτικών πόρων. Αυτή η εργαλειοθήκη σας παρέχει μια επισκόπηση της εκστρατείας #HeatSeson, με συνδέσμους για να πραγματοποιήσετε λήψη εκδόσεων υψηλής ποιότητας, συνοδευόμενων από προτεινόμενο κείμενο για την ανάρτηση. Μπορείτε να τα κοινοποιήσετε σταδιακά στα κανάλια σας (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn).
Προσθέστε τις ετικέτες @AtlanticCouncil και @ArshtRock και χρησιμοποιήστε το #HeatSeason.