

Wed, Sep 22, 2021

Mobile vegetable gardens in Chennai India: Building resilience to extreme heat and food insecurity

The Urban Horticulture Initiative aims to build local resilience by applying nature-based solutions to counter the adverse effects of extreme heat and related needs, such as food insecurity. 

Articles by Jessica Dabrowski

English Food insecurity

Thu, Sep 9, 2021

Extreme heat: Pressure cooking our food system

This article explores the consequences of extreme heat on food systems. It provides examples of tools in the "toolbox of resilience solutions" we can implement to immediately safeguard farmers and the production of high-quality and ample food.

Blog by Bridget Carle and Jessica Dabrowski

English Food insecurity

Fri, Apr 30, 2021

Global cities take on increasing threat of extreme heat by appointing first-ever “Chief Heat Officers,” starting with Miami-Dade County

Miami-Dade County, Freetown, and Athens sign on as founding members of Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center’s City Champions for Heat Action – an Extreme Heat Resilience Alliance Initiative.


Chief Heat Officer English

Mon, Dec 21, 2020

Report: Articulating a Program for Resilience

Along with the Urban Institute, the Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center commissioned "Articulating a Program for Resilience: The Landscape of Evidence, Actions, and Geographies." The report seeks to reach a wide audience, addressing climate adaptation, disaster mitigation, and vulnerability to––and displacement from––shocks all around the world.

Publication by Test, Test

English Individual and community resilience

Fri, Dec 18, 2020

Mobile Garden Kits: Addressing Food Insecurity Amid a Pandemic

Within two months of initiating a COVID-19 emergency response program, nearly 4,500 people received critical food rations along with seedlings for mobile garden kits that would yield fresh vegetables and greens in as little as three weeks.

Articles by Rebecca Scheurer, Nidhi Upadhyaya, Owen Gow

English Extreme heat

Tue, Dec 15, 2020

Migration Matters: Serving Essential Farmworkers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected migrant farmworker communities across the United States and around the world. Despite this threat to their health, farmworkers continue their work on the front lines, planting and harvesting the crops that feed our country.

Articles by Rebecca Scheurer

English Individual and community resilience

Mon, Dec 14, 2020

LEADERS Magazine The Resilience Issue

LEADERS Magazine partners with the Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center at the Atlantic Council on this special feature on resilience.


Individual and community resilience

Wed, Sep 30, 2020

As climate-induced extreme heat continues to rage, Arsht-Rockefeller Resilience Center pledges funding for Extreme Heat Resilience Alliance activities

Today, September 30, 2020, EHRA members convened for the first time to define critical actions for the Alliance’s work to protect vulnerable people from extreme heat, supporting its vision of a world without heat-related deaths and loss of livelihoods.


Extreme heat

Mon, Sep 21, 2020

Reaching one billion people by 2030

The Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center is committed to reaching one billion people with resilience solutions to climate change, migration, and security by 2030.

Issue brief

Individual and community resilience Individual Resilience Initiative

Mon, Sep 21, 2020

Kathy Baughman McLeod on Financing a Sustainable Planet podcast

Kathy Baughman McLeod was interviewed on the Euromoney "Financing a Sustainable Planet" podcast series — listen to her clip.


Innovative policy and finance